Panayota Haloulakou sings jazz, Greek, and experimental music. Among her latest projects are 1) the making of her album "Laconikon: Selected Poems by Odysseus Elytis" featuring her original music for jazz quintet, voice/piano duet, and chamber ensemble with cello and five-string violin; 2) the release of the jazz album “Four In One,” which features Panayota’s jazz quartet on mostly free renditions of jazz standards; and 3) the formation of the Greek band Penny Muse Band that performs a wide variety of Greek music and international songs.

Panayota also co-leads, along with pianist/composer Panos Liaropoulos, the Greek Music Ensemble, a group that performs mainly Greek "entechno" (art songs) music and will be releasing a double album-tribute to Manos Hatzidakis and Mikis Theodorakis in December 2017. Her first album with her jazz septet “Barely Real: Music of Panayota Haloulakou” was recorded in 2006 and features her original experimental music based on the poetry of Emily Dickinson, Theodore Roethke, Robert Creeley, Jack Kerouac, Steven Crane, and Rumi. In August 2011, she released her second record as a leader entitled “Standards” which features her duet with her musical partner Lefteris Kordis in breathtaking renditions of jazz standards and folk songs from Argentina and Brazil.

Panayota treasures her collaborations with artists from the international music scene such as jazz artists Steve Lacy, Sheila Jordan, Irene Aebi, John Lockwood, Lefteris Kordis, Roni Eytan, Eviatar Slivnik, Edmar Colon, Alec Spiegelman, Dimos Dimitriadis; conductors Peter Seymour and David Blake; theater director Jackie Romeo; painter and dancer Ruth Lieberherr; the Netherlands Philarmonic and Kamerata orchestras; Greek composers Yannis Markopoulos and Notis Mavroudis; choirs Fons Musicalis and the Berklee College of Music Gospel Choir. She has appeared in major academic venues, concert halls, and festivals in the greater New England, Missouri, Florida, Vermont, Texas, and Greece for musical performances, workshops, and seminars.

Panayota has sung in Greek, ancient Greek, English, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, German, and Turkish. She is a Fulbright scholar and holds a Master’s degree in Jazz Performance from the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston. She maintains a private studio teaching voice, music theory, ear training, and composition and is inspired by the Estill Voice Training System.